Wednesday, October 7, 2015

NoSpendtober Day 6

Today's mission is to look at freezer meals.   I had a lot going on today and didn't get around to doing anything with this mission.  However I have made freezer meals in the past and will do them again.   I've made them for friends and family when they have babies too.  A couple of weeks ago I made some breakfast sandwiches off of the organize yourself skinny blog.

I have a couple of books and many pinterest pins that have great recipes too.  I have started to compile them on Plan to Eat and hopefully I will be able to get it all situated this month and then start a monthly cooking day.  :)   My goal is to have a cooking day and a prep day.  That would be really nice!  The difficulty is a little bit in the fact that I have to make sure the food tastes good as I have picky kids and hubby.

So I am wishing myself luck!  And to all of you out there doing the Living Well Spend zero challenge I wish you luck too!

So tomorrow I will officially clean out a freezer...I know I have not done it yet...terrible.
 I only ordered milk from our milk service today. (Only money spent!! That is a necessity..)  Win!!  I actually saved money in that I had some things credited back to my account.  YAY!

Until Tomorrow!

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