Sunday, October 11, 2015

Nospendtober Day 11

Today's challenge is to work on your office space.   My office space looked like this today:  

I am in charge of the singing time for the primary children in my church.   So I spent most of the day preparing to teach the song I chose.  Tomorrow I am going to tackle the kid's room and the desk space.  

I made dinner for the family today.   An unusual feat for me on Sundays.  We ate around the dinner table, it was quite nice!   

I cleaned up the dishes and started the dishwasher, even hand washing the extra pans.  Somehow starting with a clean baseline makes it that much more important and enticing to get it back to that same spot.   Tomorrow morning I will resume my cleaning hour.   I've debated on whether to make it 6 10 minute blocks, or just a full hour.  Maybe I will try it multiple ways and figure out what works better.

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