Monday, October 12, 2015

Nospendtober Day 12

Today was another busy day.   I feel like I got a lot done, but it wasn't necessarily everything that I had planned.  

I had to run to the store today and was really tempted to make a couple purchases after picking up my prescriptions.   I picked them up had lots of excuses in my head and then ended up putting them back.   They will probably go on sale another time.  I don't need it right now.   Sometimes it is really hard to talk yourself into things.

I didn't get around to the challenge of the day:   clean the closet.  I had gone through my clothes and got rid of quite a few a couple months ago after I read about the konmarie method.  So I didn't exactly feel like I needed to.

Tomorrow is another day.   I have a few challenges stacking up on me.   Cleaning the house this morning went really well though.  I like this new plan!   It was a breeze and it is looking so nice!  My kids even started cleaning the boys room on their own today.  Can't complain about that!

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