Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 316

An interesting day.   I've had a couple of fitbit challenges going on.   Winning one...can't keep up with the other.  :)   Funny how that works. 

I've had a really hard time getting in my food and water today though.  I've seriously thought about having my trainer make me run laps for every day I don't get in my allotted amounts.   A little scared of that so have not yet...

Breakfast:  an orange

Exercise:  A Stephanie workout
Snack:  fruit snacks, rice krispie treats
lunch:  Spaghetti
Snack:  Cookies...yum.
Dinner:  Shirley Caziers
more cookies...

12k plus steps.  Not enough water or veggies

Tomorrows plan:

Breakfast:  Toast with pb and blueberries
Snack:   Smoothie
Lunch:  Grilled tuna and cheese with veggies
Snack: more cookies
Dinner:  rigatoni

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