Wednesday, October 7, 2015

NoSpendtober Day 7

I did well today.   Was home most of the day, so not too many temptations, I made dinner and even went through one of my freezers.  Found some goodies in there that I had forgotten about.  :)
Amazon did have a sale on costumes today that included a cape that my daughter wanted for her costume.  Half price!  I was glad I had waited and was able to get it on the sale instead of full price that I would have otherwise.   I officially saved myself $9

Hubby didn't like dinner, and asked me to pick him up a shake from Arctic Circle on my way home.   He had given me cash earlier in the week so I used that to buy us all a little ice cream.  It was a nice treat and "on the house"  

I filled out my weekly reflection paper.  It was pretty easy.  The hardest part this last week has been not spending money on the internet.  I think I have an internet spending addiction. :)

The easy part has been staying out of stores.   I love my new interest on figuring out meals ahead of time.  It has replaced the desire to just get take out...hopefully it will stay that way!

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