Sunday, October 18, 2015

NoSpendtober Day 18

After the weekend of opposites...spending a lot, as you tend to do on vacation.   I am glad to be home and ready to get back to being creative.  

Hubby was willing to get us all sorts of treats, but I told him I already had what we needed.   We are back to eating from food storage and making treats.   My daughter wants to have a Halloween party on Wednesday so I am going to need to get really creative with that.  

Today's mission is to find uses for things you have, as other things.   I used part of a cardboard box and wrote on it instead of printing stuff off the computer today.  I don't have any cardstock anyway.   So the box pieces were much more stable to hand out to a bunch of young kids for reminders of parts of the songs.   

The email for today was talking bigger picture of repurposing, but really anything works and it definitely saved ink and paper.   So its good!  

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