Sunday, October 4, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 314

It's been a bit of a low key day.   We drove around a little bit, and Watched Conference the rest of the time.  It was a great meeting with some moments that I needed to hear!

Breakfast was pancakes.  I used our favorite recipe.   YUM!
I snacked on 2 orange slices of the candy variety
made cupcakes again.   These are our new favorites.  So very yummy.  They are called the Queen of Cupcakes. That would be correct!
I made some cheese sandwiches.  Ate one on my fiber bread
Smoked a salmon.   I bought a different kind of salmon than we usually do, brined it, smoked it.  It turned out so wierd!   Hardly any flavor.   I won't try that again.
After tasting the salmon we just snacked on Cupcakes... because the cupcakes were much better!

I made dinner and made progress on the kitchen.  I am having such trouble keeping up on housework.   The kids are making comments and that is making me angry.   I am already frustrated enough as it is.   

Plan for the morning:

Apricot Chicken with salad and rice.

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