Saturday, October 10, 2015

Healthy Journey Day 320

Today has been a busy day.    My eating schedule definitely wasn't scheduled.  I skipped exercise because I figured I'd be getting a lot of steps.  Headed off to the store first thing to get drinks and snacks for the guys.  Ate a banana and a cookie.
 Had a couple of mini donuts and then pizza and cake and salad.  
ate another piece of pizza once we were home 
Grilled steak for dinner, we had noodles and cake afterwards.

I drank a lot of water but didn't keep track, 13k steps, 

Plan for tomorrow.
It is fast sunday so I won't eat anything until after we get home from church.  I've defrosted some chicken and bought some coconut curry at costco to try.  So we will have that with veggies and rice.
I'm sure I will want something once I am home so will probably have a fiber bar or some cake. Maybe veggies??? chances aren't so high on that one.

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