Sunday, February 1, 2015

Day 32 of 100

Do you enjoy what you do?  In the daily grind has it become so routine that it is boring and no longer exciting?   I know I sometimes get caught in the drudgery of doing laundry, cleaning the dishes and going to bed...waking up.   Sometimes I just don't want to do anything.   The two words "have to"  begin to take hold and I begin to say things like "I should ".   Should is a word that causes guilt, makes us feel like we are not enough.   This word does not belong in our vocabulary.   I am working hard to not use it.  In fact I refrased a few sentences already trying to keep it out!   But I am rambling.   So the two words "have to"  Make the inner child inside cringe.   When you feel you have to do something rebelion most likely will occur.   I know I begin to procrastinate and push things off when I feel like I have to.   There is no Joy in the journey when we begin to tell ourselves these sorts of things.   Change your words from have to get to.  I get to do the laundry sounds so much better.   It incorporates gratitude and makes it so much easier!   I get to make my bed so tonight it welcomes me with clean sheets instead of the crumpled/tangled linens.   I get to make a yummy dinner for my family tonight so we can enjoy food and company with one another.  Do you feel the difference?   

I am working to remember I get the priviledge of all these things.   I am very blessed.   Now I get to brush my teeth and snuggle with my hubby before going to sleep in my warm bed.   I am very blessed indeed.   

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