Saturday, February 28, 2015

Day 59 of 100--motivation reboot

Ever have those days where you just can't seem to do what you want/need to do?  Maybe it is time for a motivation reboot!  As Zig Ziglar would say: "People often say that Motivation doesn’t last.  Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily."   I always laugh at that quote.   I  usually don't wait until someone says I stink to take a shower.   Perhaps it is wise for us not to wait to boost our motivation until it stinks as well!   When I am really having a hard time keeping up, or doing something what can I do to help me enjoy the process?

I frequently get bogged down by cleaning the house.   When that happens my reboot is to invite someone over to our house.   That is usually the kick in the pants I need to get me moving. I seem to make better food and clean better when I invite people to our house.   I am sure you have things that push you to work as well.  (At least I hope I'm not the only one that needs external motivation at times!

So in the process of getting healthier what could be a motivation reboot?  Setting a new goal.  Revising old ones.  Making sure you have smart goals.  That has been a big one for me lately.   Perhaps even just talking to someone about what you are aiming to accomplish. Joining a group (such as or a facebook group that talks about your goals) is a great bonus.   I recently jumped in on a 30 lbs in 15 weeks group through the boot camp.   While I normally try to stay away from weight loss centered thinking, this offered daily videos to keep you motivated.   I have had my best success when I had daily motivational videos to watch.  So I am very excited to see what the next 15 weeks holds! 

Truth is I don't want to be running from a shark to be motivated!  I would much rather have other tactics to keep me moving.  Sometimes though I certainly need a fire lit under me!

What do you do to increase your motivation??

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