Sunday, February 22, 2015

Day 53 of 100--create smart goals

Smart goals.  I've heard lots about them.   A goal is not really a goal unless you make a plan to go with it.   Setting a time frame, making it specific helps to give you the clarity to create results.   My very smart husband pointed out that I had goals but no plan.  So how will I accomplish the things I have decided to accomplish?  SInce I am focusing on my water intake this week, lets make it a smart goal.

Specific:   I will drink 64 oz of water daily

Measurable:   I will daily set out my two mugs of water filled with water, reporting on the blog each night.

Attainable:   I have done this before...just not made an effort to make it consistent.   I know it is possible.

Relevant:  Drinking water helps curb my appetite, and my desire for sweets.  Quite frequently I will be thirsty when I think I want sugar.  

Time-bound:  I will  drink one mug by noon and the other by 8 pm.  I will set a reminder on my phone and track my daily progress.   I will do this consistently for 3 weeks.  So March 15 will be my official reporting day to say I did it!

I found this worksheet to help me create another smart goal, my overall one.  Which you can see on my daily Healthy Journey posts. 

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