Thursday, February 19, 2015

Day 50 of 100--the half way point!! You are enough!

This fabulous quote seems to show up quite frequently in my life.  Perhaps I need to learn from it.
First thing this says to me is that we are enough.   As we are right now.  Enough for whatever we have before us.   We have the God given ability to be brilliant, talented and fabulous.  We are Children of God!   He has given us great ability to accomplish anything during this life.  Anything we set our minds to.   The difficulty is to get over our own brains telling us things are not possible.   Believe me here...YOU HAVE THE POWER!   (I'm singing that in my head.  ;) )   You yes you, are strong, capable and brilliant.  Your best is enough!  Don't tell yourself that you are not good enough, you always are!  You have really never failed!   This life is a test, a test where we live the best we can, do the best we can and allow ourselves to thrive in our best place.   This doesn't mean that if we think we fall short we are not good enough.  That is just the negative voice talking!   We have a divine mission in this life.   Our niche so to speak.  There are things that we will do that no one else can.   Allow yourself the ability to be that person.  To shine with the light within you.   The light I believe comes from God.   Let go of the fear that you are not enough.  Give yourself permission to do the best that you can, the permission to be you!  Not what someone else expects of you, but what you are the best you!   Of course we will strive to improve, but that does not change the fact that you are exactly who you should be! 


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