Sunday, February 15, 2015

Day 46 of 100--Health guidelines and habits

I've fallen behind on these daily posts.   Between having friends visit and being sick I just have not been in the zone.   I have realized that when I am not feeling good I fall back into my old habits.   Namely, sitting more, not cleaning, grabbing whatever I can to eat instead of paying attention and eating what works for me and my body.  So in that I thought of the bare minimums that I think I have written about before.   Bare minimums are what you are going to accomplish each day no matter what.   I've had a hard time raising my standards to achieve new bare minimums.  Sometimes its enough just to get out of bed every day.   So in thinking about that I thought of the guidelines that my trainer suggested.   Guidelines can be added one at a time until they all become a habit.  Here are the guidelines I am going to start working on.  

Health Guidelines.  
Eat a Healthy Breakfast 
Drink 64 oz water
Eat 2 fruits 
Eat 3 Veg 
30 min of movement
One Treat 

These are of course per day.  I'm going to focus on getting in my water at first and then add in others as I feel I get those accomplished.   Starting to add habits one by one allows you to not get overwhelmed.  IT is very tempting to say that I will just work on them all.   I know from history thought that if I do too much I crash and burn and give up.   So heres to the new guidelines and making them habits!!

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