Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Day 41 of 100--what is your intent?

Setting intentions for each day is a great way to stay focused.  Knowing what you intend to accomplish gives that much more accountability to your day.  This is what I have been missing this week.   I have been floundering in food, cleaning and all parts of my day because I am not setting intentions and figuring out what needs to be done before the day hits.   Tonight I will start by filling in my day in my planner with my needs and wants.  Then I will take a look at it in the morning.   Every day as I write my gratitudes I will decide on one thing that I want to accomplish and work to do it first thing.   Then move on through my day. 

Intention makes every difference!   So tomorrow my intention is to survive my first day working with my new trainer.   Wish me luck!!

How do you stay on track and avoid distraction??

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