Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day 13 of 100 Morning hour of power.

What do you do in the morning?   How we start our day has a great impact on how we spend the rest of it.  I know for me it is way too easy to pick up my phone and start reading emails.  Then get caught up in facebook and the other time sucking areas of my phone.  Before I know it my kids are awake and I am still in bed we rush to get ready for school and it is a mess!  
This week I started waking up at 5 am.  Well a little bit after.   So far it has been fantastic.   I am able to have what Darren Hardy calls a "power hour"   Where I read books I am interested in, exercise and have just time to myself.  I get up, get my exercise clothes on and head down to my exercise room where my fitdesk and bookcase are.   I ride the bike (fitdesk) for about 30 minutes and then take on the treadmill or weights.  I love it!   I was reading and exercising before, but it was rushed trying to get done before the kids had to go to school, or interrupted by kids needing something.   I try and finish before hubby goes to work around 6:30.   

So to create a power hour for yourself...figure out what you need to feel accomplished in the morning.   I read scriptures, pray, write on this blog (journal), write my 5 gratitudes for the day, read in a motivational/inspirational book and then exercise.   It feels great to give myself some time first thing in the morning.   

Let me know if you decide to try your own power hour, or get up at 5 am :)   I definitely will be making going to bed earlier my next goal!     

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