Sunday, January 25, 2015

Day 25 of 100--are you a couch potato?

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The disease of sitting. It's been mentioned a lot lately.  Rated up with smoking as a leading cause of heart disease. Check out this article from CNN, and this one from Dr. John Day.  Are you guilty?  I know I sure am.  On an average Sunday I am usually under 3000 steps.   I tend to migrated over to the sitting position at many times during the day, then get stuck there and not move for a while.

The best thing to do is get up and move through the day.  Get a pedometer and track your steps.  See how many you get in a day and then work to increase them.   It's good to know your starting line.  :)  The recommended number of steps in a day is 10,000 or about 5 miles.

Try getting some Random Acts of Fitness or (RAoF).  As you go about your day take the stairs twice, march in place while brushing your teeth, park far away from the store.  While putting away laundry take multiple trips.  Play with your kids, chase them.   Be aware of time you sit that you could be moving instead.   You can position the treadmill or exercise bike in front of the TV and watch while riding/walking.  Get up and march in place during commercials.  Really it is all about moving!  Jonathan from Boot camp says that exercise is anything that gets your heart rate up more than sitting.   So what exercise are you doing?

I have a fit desk, but you can also just get a little bike to put under your desk for when you are sitting and there isn't another option.   I am thinking I need one for under my computer desk.  I have a desktop now, which doesn't lend itself to the fit desk.  When I read and plan with my ipad first thing in the morning it is at the fitdesk though!  :)

So how are you keeping active through the day.  Avoiding sitting and moving more?  I need more good ideas to remind myself to stay moving.  Share away!

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