Monday, January 5, 2015

Day 5 of 100 You don't have to be perfect!

I ended up doing my routines rather late tonight.   I am of the belief that sometimes just the minimum is all that matters.  Sometimes just sweeping up the one corner of a room counts instead of the whole room.  Sometimes one or two dishes in the sink are ok.  It doesn't have to be perfect every time.   Tonight was one of those nights.  After an emotionally spent day I went through the motions loaded the dishwasher, swept only the things I could see on the floor and after wiping the counters called it a day. I still accomplished everything on my list but didn't follow through.   

So all of this is just to say.  Sometimes it is ok to listen to your body and give yourself a break.  Have a minimum...that is doable no matter what and live up to it.  For me that minimum is to visit each item on my list even if I am not able to complete it.   Tomorrow is another day and I will do it again.  Every action no matter how small will still help me reach my goal!  

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